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Pixi Beauty 'Glow Tonic Review'

After weeks of giving my skin some much needed downtime i.e. a break from trying on too many new skincare products. It had finally cleared up enough for me to get back on the blog wagon, starting off with the cruelty free, Pixi Beauty 'Glow Tonic', an exfoliating toner (shop here).

So this product can be purchased in 3 different volumes 15ml, 100ml and 250ml retailing around R80, R160 and R288 which I personally don't think is too costly (more on that later). The tonic claims to firm and tighten whilst also toning your skin. It also helps to remove dead skin cells and is said to be suitable for all skin types. It also helps to refine the appearance of pores, brightens and gives the skin a glowing complexion by gently accelerating cell renewal. It is alcohol free and lastly, helps to balance and heal the skin leaving it looking healthier and hella radiant.

It contains so many products that are super beneficial to the skin such as Glycolic acid which helps to exfoliate and purify the skin, aloe vera for soothing and hydration (who doesn't like a good dash of aloe?!) and ginseng which helps to improve the skin's circulation. So when I first tried this product out, I really was not a fan. I didn't think it did much for my skin, I didn't see improvements and I would pretty much only make use of it because of its scent which I cannot get enough of. I wish they would come out with a fragrance because I cannot get over how amazing it smells. After a while, as you guys know, my skin started throwing a proper toddler in tiara tantrum, so I cut it out of skincare routine just to give my skin a time out.

The instructions say to just dampen a cotton pad and then apply to the skin in the AM and/or PM, although the warning on the bottle does state that the tonic does make your skin more prone to sun damage and I so stand by that, because when I tried it out during the day my skin turned this really dark grey kinda color and it honestly freaked me out (my skin did go back to its normal color by the next day though, so we're Gucci). I find that using this tonic just after a regular skin cleanse does sweet nothing besides bring up blackheads on my nose, so instead I've come up with my own little procedure to get the most out of it to suit my skin. First I start off with a clearer just to remove impurities, makeup residue and all that nasty build up from my day (I use the Body Shop 'Clearing Foaming Cleanser' (shop here), check out my 'Recent Likes & Dislikes' video for more on this product). Then I let my skin sit pretty with a detox mask just to draw out any left over stuff hidden beneath the surface (I use the L'Oreal Pure Clay Detox Mask, shop here). Next, I exfoliate my skin to scrub off any goodies that are still chilling and of course remove dried and dead skin cells (I use The Body Shop 'Squeaky Clean Scrub, shop here). Lastly I hit it up with the Glow Tonic, this just gives my skin the final punch it needs to send all the gunk packing.

Since using the product in this way I've noticed a huge difference in my skin! I wake up with my skin gleaming, it looks so much clearer and also very healthy and plump. The only negative for me would be that I can't use it during the day, I feel like this under makeup would honestly make everything look so tied together and healthy. Coming back to the whole price point, I don't think this is a pricy product because you don't need too much of it. I also don't use it every night, I only choose to bust it out when I decide my skin needs a deep exfoliation (usually 2 - 3 times a week). I also don't use it too often because I do feel like it does have the tendency to give me the odd tiny blemish and sometimes does bring up a lot of blackheads on my nose making it appear very textured, I think it is slightly harsh on my sensitive skin, but if I use it every second day it doesn't seem to break me out. I definitely would repurchase but maybe in a smaller volume because I find that a little does go quite a long way. That's it for this post you guys, here's hoping it helped you out in one way or another. Hope you guys enjoyed it and once again thank you so much for giving my 2c a read.

- courts xx


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