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Self-Care Saturday


Hey guys!

Yup, I'm well aware... it's been forever and apologies are in order, I'm sorry! Hopefully today's video makes up for it.

I want you guys to keep an open mind, this is obviously something different to our regular programming, but I really wanted to push myself to try new things this year and that includes creating new content.

I really haven't been feeling at my best recently and so decided to take an 'oh so rare' minute to catch my breath.

I took a bath, lit a 'boujee' ass candle and shot myself up with a few of LUSH products.

Although my little run in with serenity didn't solve all my issues or pay my bills, it sure as hell made me feel a little at peace through all the chaos.

Sometimes just a portion of peace can make a world of difference in our lives.

Hope you guys enjoy a short insight into my 'Self-Care Saturday'

As always, thank you so much for giving my 2c a read.

- courts xx


You can sit with me!

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