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The One Where I Had Nothing to Wear: PART 1

So here's the scoop with a side of fries. I've always wanted to start a series here on my blog, but no matter how much of thought I put into it, nothing raised it's hand and said "pick me". Until… one day something plucked up the courage to not only raise its hand but to raise it and then slap me across the face.

Sitting in a mountain sized pile of clothes and groaning about how I had absolutely nothing to wear, it hit me. Guys and girls, welcome to a little segment I like to call, 'The One Where I Had Nothing to Wear'! BOOM! *Confetti cannon goes off* Here's numero uno: The Simple Black Legging & Tank

So like I was saying, I sat on my bed and looked up at the steadily growing mountain. I had 25 minutes to be ready and yet, there I was wrapped snug in my damp towel with not so much as a drop of moisturizer on. That's when I thought, go simple stupid. I started off this this pair of black of leggings (Mango, shop here). I knew I'd be out the entire day and the weather looked a bit sketchy (it was steaming hot, but the clouds started to cuddle all suspiciously) so I knew I needed to go comfy but prepared in case of a passing shower.

Next I decided on this tank, like I said, the sun was kinda high in the sky and I was already feeling HOT HOT HOT. I knew I wanted to keep things casual and so opted for 'less is more' hence the 'Cut Out Tank' (Topshop, shop here). As much as I was loving the vibe it was just a little too oversized on me and my bra sorta kept peaking out so I threw on a sports bra just to be safe (I really was not prepared for any Janet Jackson slip kinda drama).

Lastly, I had to go with Converse (shop here). They're my go-to flats when I know I'm going to be on my feet for a blazing minute. I also loved that it tied the whole 'I cared just enough to look like I'm trying, but in actual fact I'm straight up hibbing' look together.

Finally I just tossed the weave in a high ponytail and rocked a 5 minute makeup. Before I knew it I was on my way to Plan B were I ate my weight in churros (but I was totally prepared because you know, elasticated leggings!)

And that's it folks, the first post of my new series. I really hope you guys enjoyed this, I know I really had fun, it's not that often that I get to express how my daily shenanigans play out (well in my head anyway). I can't wait for my next 'I have nothing to wear' moment so that I can get writing. Thank you guys so much for giving my 2c a read, as always I really appreciate it.

- courts xx


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