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The Body Shop - ‘Tea Tree Anti- imperfection Daily Solution’ Review

For the past month or so my skin has really been more problematic than usual. Between the stress of preparing for graduation and having to deal with that time of the month, my skin took every opportunity to show me just how congested and stressed out I actually was. I decided to do the irrational thing and change up my skincare routine (as many of you viewed on my Instastory).

A product that has really stood out for me is The Body Shop (shop here) - ‘Tea Tree Anti- imperfection Daily Solution R190 (50ml). This is a serum that is said to help cleanse, purify and soothe the skin over a period of 4 weeks. It also has ingredients like salicylic acid which is amazing for oily acne prone skin. It helps to combat blemishes and mattify the skin leaving it looking healthier and more clarified.

Although I’ve been using this serum for just over 2 weeks, I mostly have good things to say about it. Firstly, I like the packaging. The green glass bottle (although glass is my weakness, I’m so clumsy) and the little dropper is pretty chic compared to their regular plastic packaging. It’s really affordable at R190 for 50ml, I think this bottle might last me around 2 months, considering you only need about 5 drops. When applied to the skin it’s a liquid (it has a slight thickness to it, so it doesn’t necessarily run like water). When it first starts to dry down it begins to get very tacky but then eventually dries down matte and feels super lightweight (as if you’ve got nothing on).

I saw results with this product within the next 2 to 3 days after the first use. I always wake up to these little whiteheads usually on my chin and around my nose (my oiliest areas) but since using this serum I’ve noticed they hardly come up anymore. I do get the odd 1 or 2 very rarely but after just applying a few drops at night I wake up to them completely gone

A few things that might turn people off on this product would have to be the fact that it apparently works best over an essence, however this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out and spend another R200 or so on an essence. The first week that I tested out this product, I was applying it over my toner instead of an essence (I didn’t read the instructions) and it seemed to work perfectly. Also, I don’t think people who have a drier skin type would enjoy this. The active ingredient is tea tree which really does a good job of drying out the skin. Lastly, it can be a little on the harsh side if you have extremely sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin but this does not seem to irritate my skin at all, it does sting slightly on broken skin though, like if I applied it over an area I had just extracted a blackhead.

So far this product has really helped with the surface acne I’ve been at war with but I haven’t seen an improvement in terms of my cystic blemishes and scarring (it has only been 2 weeks though, so it might kick in after another 2 weeks or so). That’s it for this post you guys. I hope it has helped at least one of you out. All in all I do really like this product, I would like to keep using it for another 2 weeks before deciding whether a repurchase is in order but I can for sure say that it is looking pretty promising. As always you guys thank you so much for giving my 2c a read

- courts xx


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