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#FaceUndercover Foundation REVIEW

Hey guys! Okay so I know it’s been a second since I dropped some hot new shizzz on my blog so here it is! As you guys probably know the Beauty Bulletin team launched their #FaceUndercover project and I was one of the lucky few to receive a package from them. The package contained three different shades of foundation a headband and a bronzer. As you folk know by now the brand name has been revealed, good job to all of you who guessed correctly. 

During the course of the week I’ve been testing out the foundation and the bronzer and have just been collecting my thoughts and opinions about them. Now, I am ready to report back to you guys! So this retails for an amazing R154.90 which is unbelievable for 30ml of product (the L.A Girl Foundation retails for R175 and you only get 28ml of product). It’s housed in a glass bottle with a plastic lid and the best part, IT’S A PUMP!

Unfortunately I have to start on a bad note. None of the shades I received matched my skin tone so I had to do a little mixology with the shades. Overall I did like the foundation. It was medium to full coverage and definitely buildable. It covered a lot of my pigmentation which was pretty impressive. A little bit of product went a long way, but in saying that the pump was kinda ridged and didn’t let me control the amount of product I pumped out. The foundation wore for about five hours or so, but thereafter started to break up especially around my oily areas. With that being said, the foundation wore quite well on my skin, covered my acne and I powdered like twice throughout the day, oh, did I mention is dries down MATTE! Now I know that it sounds like I’m pretty settled and in love with this foundation,but, here comes the bit… it broke my skin out like crazy! Guys I’ve never had terribly bad skin, a few odd ones now and then when the Menzes comes knocking but that’s it. Guys my skin looks absolutely terrible now, and it’s kinda the reason I haven’t really been posting, not because I’m like ashamed of anything. I’ve actually just been laying off on heavy makeup till it all clears up and ships out. 

My final thoughts, do I like this foundation? yeah it’s okay. Would I repurchase? nope, never! It’s kinda sad though because we’re always on the hunt for a good affordable foundation unfortunately this just wasn’t a match. So that’s it’s guys. I hope this helped in one way or anything and as always thank you so much for giving my 2c a read. 

- courts xx


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