Welcome back or if you’re new then… where have you been (I’m kidding). Today I’m chatting a little about a product that has been so highly requested. The Ordinary’s AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution! This freaky red runny stuff has been used as click bait in countless videos across social media, but does it really work…? Well you’re about to find out (if you keep reading that it!).

This gorgeous frosted 30ml bottle retails for R175 online (excluding shipping) although I opted to purchase mine right around the corner from me at Muse Beauty, R260. This claims to be fragrance free (but is not without a scent and by the way, it’s a strong one at that) and a 10 minute exfoliating facial which makes sense as it is a chemical exfoliant.
Now before I give you guys my little personal, I just want you guys to know that this is a pretty strong concoction. The first time I put it on it burned like CRAZY! I set my timer for five minutes but by minute three I couldn’t take it any longer and rinsed it off. When using this product your skin really does have to build up a tolerance towards it and it does take some time before you’re chilling there red faced for the full 5-10 minuets, no pun intended.

Sweet, now on to my tea. After my first use I was quite surprised. I remember it being around the time of the Menzies and my usual huge ass cystic blemishes came knocking, no actually, the just straight up kicked the door down. After just one use, I woke up to them completely… minimized (no, not gone, it’s not magic in a bottle guys) but I was still pretty impressed. I’ve been using it for about 4 months now and since my first use I have to say it’s a pretty ‘meh’ product and a little over hyped for me. I haven’t seen much change in my skin since I started using it, well not on my blackheads anyway. Would I repurchase? Probably not, just based on the fact that it isn’t giving me the sort of results I’d like to see once trying out a product for this long.

If you guys do decide to try this or if you guys have tried it please DM me letting me know your thoughts and experience with the product. Please be sure to read the instructions carefully and to definitely make use of this alongside sun protection! I also recommend doing a test patch just to get a quick taste of the product’s intensity. But yeah, that’s it you guys, I hope this helped in one way or another. As always thank you for the love and of course thank you for giving my 2c a read!
- courts xx